Sunday, February 13, 2011

Picture Fix Assignment

Today, you will be using the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop to correct any imperfections that appear in all 3 photos you've downloaded from my 'Public Folder'.

Remember to do the following when using the Clone Stamp Tool:

1. Select an area close to the imperfection that resembles the color and brightness of the area you'll clone over.
2. Hold down your 'Option' Key and click your Mouse just once and release. You've now established your 'Target Area' you'll be cloning from.
3. Release the 'Option' Key and drag your Mouse over the imperfection.
4. Click on your Mouse over the imperfection. Notice that you should be seeing a Target symbol and a Brush Circle. The target area should be cloning over the imperfection.

Once you have finished cloning out ALL imperfections in ALL 3 photos, you have one final task. This goes as follows:

1. Select the photo that has the 3 smiling guys in blue sweaters and jackets.
2. Use your Magnetic Lasso Tool to Select all of these guys at once.
3. Once they are all Selected, go up to 'Layer', 'New', 'Layer Via Copy'. This will allow you to create a layer with just the guys on it, so you can put famous people behind them.
4. Go online and find 2 famous people that you can place behind these guys in the photo.
5. Remember, you will need ACCURATE SELECTIONS, with NO FRINGE on the edges. If you have fringe, zoom in and use your Eraser Tool to erase this fringe.

Once you have completed all of these tasks, save your work. DO NOT TURN THESE INTO MY STAFF FOLDER!!! I'll be grading them on Friday directly off of your Desktop.


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