Sunday, February 06, 2011

B-Movie Poster

Click here to link to great examples of B Movie Posters.

The B-Movie poster you create has to be one that you make up. Be creative and have fun. Yours can be serious or funny, it's up to you!

The Requirements for this Assignment are as Follows:

1. A minimum of 6 images that have been copied from images that you find on the internet must appear in the poster.
2. There must be a Main title for your movie poster along with titles for 2 characters that appear in your movie.
3. There must be at least one Slogan title that appears on your poster.
4. Your movie has to be made up, an idea that you come up with on your own.
5. You will use at least 2 different fonts for titles used on the B-Movie poster.
6. 10x17 inch project

This assignment is due at the end of class on Monday, February 14th.


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