Monday, January 31, 2011

First Assignment

Your 1st assignment is to find large images on Google using an 'Advanced Google Image Search.'
You will search for ONE image of a landscape that you will use as your 'Background Layer' in Photoshop.
Next, you will search for SIX images that have people or objects in them that you can cut out and incorporate onto your Background.
The idea is to find images that you can cut out and arrange to tell a visual story.
It can be funny, but it must also must be appropriate.
Import these photos individually into iPhoto, then drag them into Photoshop.
You will create a Photoshop document that is 11 inches Width and 8 inches Height and stretch your landscape/background image to fit your entire 11X8 .psd file using 'Free Transform'.
Now you will select, cut, and paste your SIX objects/subjects onto the .psd file and try to arrange them to tell a visual story.
Students who associate their objects/subjects into a visual story will receive an extra 10 points for this assignment.


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